
What is the color of the license plate of the compressed garbage truck?

2021-09-12 08:40:25

In this modern and fast-paced era, people are always busy, and a large part of them are transformed into house slaves and car slaves. They are running around for these things every day. It is easy to forget other things. Normally, car owners friends We will remember to inspect our car last year on time, but there are also careless car owners or busy work when they forget to do the annual inspection for their car. So, what should I do if the annual vehicle inspection is overdue?

Special note: For compressed garbage trucks that exceed the annual inspection period within one year, they will not face penalties when they go to the vehicle management department to go through the annual inspection procedures.

There are four background colors for car license plates, namely blue, yellow, white, and black, but blue and yellow are the most common ones.

Blue license plate, abbreviated as: blue license plate. Generally refers to the license plate of a family car, but in order to facilitate work in and out of the city, there are also many blue-branded special vehicles, such as compression garbage trucks, swing arm garbage trucks, hook-arm garbage trucks, side-mounted garbage trucks and other sanitation garbage trucks. Cars, as well as many other special-purpose models;

Yellow license plates, abbreviated as: yellow license plates, are license plates for large vehicles, agricultural vehicles, and trainers. Motorcycles and test vehicles are also yellow cards; more types of compressed garbage trucks favor yellow license plates, and more choices.


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