
To what extent must garbage truck tires wear out?

2021-09-06 08:40:52

Garbage truck tires are one of the easy to wear parts. Should the tires be replaced as soon as they are worn, or is there a prescribed time for replacement? I believe that riders have also listened to the opinions and suggestions of many old drivers. It is said that the use of tires generally should not exceed 3 years, and the mileage should not exceed 60,000 kilometers. In actual life, you are the brother of money, and the sister of money wants to change at any time and no one stops you. After all, the rich are in the minority, and it is not a good thing to squander money. After all, what our country advocates is diligence and thrift.

Turtle cracks in tires are closely related to the use time, other environment and tire quality. Basically, they have been used for a long time. The cracks appear on the sidewall of the tire. The owner can check whether the lower sidewall is blistered or not. If there is a gas leak, just replace it and don't make life difficult for yourself.

The tire rubber contains anti-aging chemicals, but long-term exposure will still cause the rubber to lose its elasticity. The tire will contact the ground all the year round and cause friction, load, and then work at high and low temperatures, exposed to rain, snow, brake dust and other harsh conditions. The tire has some surface cracks.

The place where a tire is easily injured is actually the sidewall. If there are cracks on the side of the tire, the problem is relatively serious. It is strongly recommended to go to a regular service station or repair shop for inspection and replace the tire in time.

If there are only some very subtle cracks on the tire crown, it will not affect the driving in a short time. But when the cracks begin to appear, pay close attention to the state of the tires and try to take the time to go to the service station for a test. , This is more at ease. Try to replace new tires when necessary. Don't make a mistake and become an eternal hate!

If there are no cracks, check the triangle mark on the sidewall of the tire. The mark corresponds to the groove of the tire crown to find a small protrusion. By looking at the distance between the protrusion and the tire surface, you can determine the actual wear limit of the tire. It should be larger than 1.6 mm, change the tire when it is small. If it is larger than 1.6 mm and you want to use it again, it is recommended to use it on the rear wheel, which is safer. But if you have time, take the time to change it, so that when the car is urgently needed, the garbage truck will temporarily lose the chain, and the car owner can only do it in a hurry!


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