
2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

2020-07-09 14:50:19

2019 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

(Adopted at the management meeting on March 6, 2020)

Yangzhou Jinwei Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise. While seeking its own development and the economic benefits of all employees, it actively pays attention to the common interests of stakeholders including the country and society, the environment, customers and communities, and promotes social and economic viability. Continuous development. In order to build a harmonious society, actively assume social responsibilities, regulate the company's social behavior, consciously accept social supervision, and form a self-discipline and self-development mechanism, Yangzhou Jinwei Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") 2019 Social Responsibility Report is now released as follows:

1. The company's social responsibility indicators in 2019

2. The company promotes the overall development of the country and society

The company makes environmental sanitation easier and makes the environment better. Kingway Environmental is committed to promoting the development of environmental sanitation, speeding up the innovation of sanitation operation facilities and equipment, and improving the mechanization and intelligence of sanitation operations. "Make environmental sanitation easier and make the environment better" is the historical responsibility of Jinwei people, and it is also the field we will operate in the long term. In 2019, the company overcomes factors such as rising raw material prices and environmental protection pressures, and satisfactorily completes its business objectives and tasks:

 1. The total industrial output value was 304.7531 million yuan, and the total tax and fee paid was 16.45 million yuan, which made a positive contribution to the national and local economic construction.

 2. Steady operation and development have solved a large number of labor employment problems for the society. As of December 31, 2019, the number of employees in the company was 257.

3. The company’s core products are environmental sanitation equipment, sanitation vehicles, and urban-rural integrated operation services. The company relies on R&D platforms such as "Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center and Yangzhou Waste Equipment Engineering Technology R&D Center". In 2019, it invested 18.41 million yuan in scientific research and development. , More than a dozen new products were put on the market.

4. The company currently has three business segments: sanitation equipment, special vehicles, and property management. Sanitation and cleaning equipment ranks among the top three in the domestic industry. It is a leading company in the manufacturing of domestic sanitation and cleaning equipment. It is the first to pass ISO9001 quality in the same industry in the country. System certification, GJB 9001C weapons and equipment quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental system certification, GB/T28001 occupational health and safety certification, ISO50001 energy management system certification, seven-star after-sales service certification, and are operating well.

3. The company's protection of shareholders' rights and interests

The company pursues a stable and sustainable business philosophy, strictly controls business risks, and protects the long-term interests of shareholders. In the process of business decision-making, the company fully considers the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders, promptly informs shareholders of major information related to their claims and interests, and repays loans and pays taxes on time to ensure a good cooperative relationship with related parties so that the company can raise funds smoothly. The long-term development of the company has laid a good foundation. At the end of 2019, the company's asset-liability ratio was 59.02%, the current ratio was 2.42, and the quick ratio was 1.78, ensuring the company's debt solvency.

3. The company's protection of the rights and interests of employees

Serve the employees wholeheartedly as the starting point and end point of the union's work, and do everything possible to solve problems for employees. During the Double Festival in 2019, 273,000 yuan of welfare benefits were paid to all employees.

The company has participated in the "accidental injury insurance" for all employees, and 265 employees have participated in the insurance, with a participation rate of 100%.

Mrs. Li Zaiqi, an employee of the sheet metal workshop, was seriously ill, and the labor union provided emergency assistance of 10,000 yuan.

Serving the employees wholeheartedly, organizing nearly 265 employees to participate in the physical examination, all the physical examination reports were issued to the employees, and 10 suspected cases were notified for re-examination; 265 employees were celebrated for their birthdays, and birthday celebrations were held every month for the employees who had their birthdays in the same month. Give out birthday cakes and shopping cards, totaling 45,000 yuan. Before midsummer, we purchased heatstroke prevention and cooling medicines, mung beans, sugar, salt and other supplies six times, and distributed them to the front-line operation teams of three workshops in a targeted manner.

The company has formulated a talent development plan based on the strategic development goals of the company, and gradually formed a closed-loop management of talent planning, introduction, use, evaluation, incentives, and exit. It held technical staff symposiums, continued to carry out training and learning activities for employees of various positions, and organized production backbones to High-quality enterprises observe and study, organize old factories to carry out military management special training camps, and successfully hold all-staff activities for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The training system has been further improved, and various trainings such as safety and skills have been carried out in different levels and with different priorities. The overall quality of the workforce.

The company’s employee labor contract signing rate reached 100%, and the timely renewal rate was 100%; the company eliminated major safety accidents and personal injury accidents, and the occupational disease incidence rate was 0; pension insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, and maternity insurance were in accordance with national regulations Pay, the coverage rate is 100%.

5. The company's protection of the rights and interests of suppliers

The company adheres to the principles of fairness, openness and impartiality to suppliers, implements an annual supplier bid evaluation system, and determines the qualifications of qualified suppliers. In the procurement process, we insist that all purchased raw materials are purchased according to the standard of price comparison and good quality, and the goods will be inspected by an independent quality inspection department to determine the quality of the goods. The settlement of the payment for goods will start to implement the payment procedure in 2019. According to the time and category of the arrival of the contract, the futures payment will be paid; the original debt will be settled by the two parties through mutual negotiation. Based on the principle of win-win cooperation, we have established long-term cooperative development relations with suppliers to ensure the smooth progress of production.

The company signs a social responsibility notice with the supplier, and the contract stipulates that the supplier must meet the requirements of the occupational health and environmental system and meet the requirements of the social responsibility system standard.

In 2019, the company had no commercial bribery cases and no corruption cases.

6. The company's protection of customers

1. Adjust the product structure and continuously provide users with high-tech products. The company is firmly committed to product innovation, and strives to lead the market through research and development. The underground horizontal stations have gradually formed a series, the vertical station has formed a development trend from the ground to the underground, and the Beijing underground horizontal station project has been successfully implemented; the high-efficiency operation performance of the compressed garbage truck and the lightweight design have greatly improved the vehicle loading capacity; In terms of new energy vehicles, serialization has gradually formed, and the trash can cleaning vehicle has achieved zero emissions in an all-round way to meet the various needs of the market for new energy products.

2. Increase scientific research and capital investment. In 2019, the R&D investment was 18.4181 million yuan, accounting for 6.04% of sales revenue. The product adopts a full life cycle design plan, and the product is green evaluated to promote the reuse and recycling of user waste resources and reduce Reduce waste and reduce environmental pollution.

3. In terms of quality management, with brand building as the leader, physical quality and management level improvement as the focus, quality audit as the starting point, system construction as the guarantee, in-depth search for gaps and deficiencies in process control, and strengthen process quality control Continue to improve on-site quality and steadily promote product quality improvement. On the one hand, through the construction and improvement of brand value, brand image and its evaluation management system, the implementation of a regular evaluation system to plan coordinated advancement, and continuous improvement of brand management to enhance the management level; through regular evaluation, positive incentives and guidance to promote the quality, integrity, and brand awareness of the production team Continuous improvement has created a stronger working atmosphere for brand building, and further strengthened and improved the level of corporate quality management at the grassroots level; on the other hand, taking the GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 quality management system standard version certification as an opportunity to build a complete quality risk The management and control system, in-depth implementation of comprehensive, full process, full coverage, "no dead ends", multiple rounds, in-depth internal audits of the quality management system, continuously improve the quality of the quality management system, and effectively enhance the overall level of quality management. In terms of process technology, the company relies on the three R&D platforms of "Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center, Yangzhou Engineering Technology R&D Center, and Yangzhou Academician Workstation". In 2019, it invested 18.4181 million yuan in scientific research and development, accounting for 6.04% of the company’s annual output value. 3-6 new products are put on the market every year, leading the technological development of the sanitation industry. In 2019, the company applied for 12 patents and completed 2 scientific research projects. In terms of equipment technology, the company's technical capabilities have been fully utilized to complete the research and development of related technical processes, which meets the requirements for equipment capabilities in the welding and blanking process of garbage compression equipment. The company has always adhered to the principle of quality first, starting from the interests of users, selecting raw materials, and the process of quality, adhering to the principle of quality first, insisting on high quality and good price.

4. In terms of product packaging, in accordance with the different requirements of users, in order to improve the quality of product packaging protection, the packaging methods and materials have been changed from the original pure wood packaging to recyclable and reusable composite materials, and differentiated packaging methods have been adopted. The packaging efficiency is improved. At the same time, the packaging support requirements are refined for different products, different parts, and different modes of transportation. In terms of rust prevention, special anti-rust grease has been fully used for key parts, so that the product has the ability to resist transfer during transportation. Significantly improved.

5. In terms of after-sales service, with the adjustment of the product structure of sanitation equipment and sanitation vehicles, users have shifted to intelligent products, and users have rapidly increased their requirements for product services, and users have put forward higher requirements for technical services. Our company gives full play to technology and talents, and there are 20 engineering and technical personnel to provide product use guidance services at the user's production site throughout the year. The after-sales service department formulates monthly service plans, organizes relevant personnel to provide on-site technical services according to user needs, and promotes new products through technical exchanges, new product promotion meetings, etc., popularizes garbage compression equipment, sanitation vehicle use and management methods, and improves users’ Satisfaction.

In 2019, the company’s customer satisfaction rate was 90.06%, commercial bribery and corruption cases were 0, customer complaints were 0, quality investigations by relevant departments were 0, and product quality compensation was 0; the company’s quality management system passed third-party review and certification.

7. The company's environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction

The company firmly establishes the concept of green development and environmental protection priority, earnestly fulfills the responsibility of safety and environmental protection and corporate social responsibility, is based on the present, has a long-term view, and regards the realization of intensive, circular, and environmentally friendly green development as the entry point to transform the economic development mode to achieve green production" "Zero emission" is the goal, the realization of "clean production" is the purpose, and the principle of "preventing the generation of pollutants at the source". Starting with "unorganized dust" and other aspects, we will comprehensively promote emission reduction and pollution reduction, and strive to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprise.

In accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, the company has established a special environmental protection management organization, and in accordance with the management philosophy of "deep cultivation and meticulous work, continuous surpassing", it has improved the "Environmental Protection Comprehensive Management Regulations", "Emergency Response Plans for Sudden Environments" and "Emergency Responses to Heavy Pollution Weather" "Operation Plan" and other management systems, establish and improve various environmental management assessment methods, not only to ensure that the environmental protection equipment is sound and complete, but also to ensure that the operation supervision and status of the facilities are intact. The company has improved the online environmental monitoring system and realized real-time monitoring of emission data.

The company strictly implements the "three simultaneous" system of environmental protection for all new, renovated and expanded projects. In accordance with the requirements of clean factories, adhere to clean production audit work, obtain pollutant discharge permits on schedule, and the company has passed the energy management system and environmental management system certification. At present, the company is an industry-wide enterprise that has passed twelve system certification audits including quality, environment, occupational health and safety, integrated energy management, and the integration of industrialization and informatization.

At present, the company's "three wastes" have been comprehensively treated, and there is no waste water generated in the company's production. The domestic sewage generated in the office is deposited in the septic tank and discharged into the pipe network of the park through the sewage pipe network; good dust removal devices are installed in all the places where the smoke and dust are generated, and the operation is guaranteed for 8 hours throughout the year; All waste is processed, and scrap iron and steel is recycled by the waste recycling department. The hazardous waste is entrusted to Gaoyou Yonghui Company for processing. The domestic waste is collected by Yimin and transferred to the designated waste treatment plant.

The company's comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000 yuan output value is 408.99 tons of standard coal/tce; the comprehensive pollutant emission qualification rate all meets the national standard; the COD emission volume is 200 tons/year, and the dust removal facility integrity rate and synchronous operation rate are 100%. The completion rate of emission reduction tasks issued by the government is 100%; the company conducts clean production audits and acceptance inspections on schedule.

8. The company's responsibility to the community

The establishment of a safe enterprise is not only the need of the enterprise's own development, but also the social responsibility of the enterprise. The company fulfills the requirements of establishing a safe enterprise and promoting the construction of safe Xingtai. Based on the principle of harmonious coexistence with the community, the company actively promotes social ethics and family virtue education, strengthens the investigation of various unstable factors, and strives to exert social functions from the following aspects to ensure that the enterprise Ping An has played a positive role in the safety and stability of the community.

1. Carry out joint construction activities with the community, "Hope Village School" is a branded project of "Project Hope". The mission is to inherit and promote traditional Chinese culture. Paired with Tuanjie Village to build Hope Village School. This joint construction has injected new vitality into our service for left-behind children and migrant children, launched the construction of a front for serving young people, and improved the standardized construction of youth service platforms to ensure that they can perform their due functions.

2. The "Rye Field Project" is a project of Hope to support poverty-stricken mountainous areas. The company provides one-on-one paired assistance to mountainous children in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, provides extracurricular tutoring books, stationery, clothing and other materials for mountainous children, and creates a project for left-behind children. Warm learning environment.

3. Corporate public security prevention, establish a corporate public security prevention and control system, and make full use of the monitoring and command center platform to prevent early warning, coordinate command, and technical deterrence. Strengthen the construction of four lines of defense, including access control, plant prevention, monitoring and alarm, and mobile patrol, so as to organically integrate human defense, material defense, and technical defense to ensure the stability of the plant and society.

4. Build a basic system of public security prevention. The main work content of the enterprise is fire prevention, explosion prevention, theft prevention, vandalism prevention, leakage prevention, and internal conflict resolution. The key parts and the hotspots, focal points and difficult issues that employees pay attention to are the key points of prevention, and they actively adopt air defense, material defense, and technology Measures such as preventive measures, establish a mediation mechanism for internal conflicts, and do a good job in the prevention of public security in the unit. In order to contribute to the community, the company's full-time firefighting team is responsible for the firefighting task of 5 kilometers around the company, and is ready to be deployed by the firefighting detachment.

5. Give full play to the strength of the emergency patrol team and play the role of explosion-proof and emergency response. Actively coordinate with neighboring police stations to handle various tasks. By strengthening infrastructure, strengthening the rapid response mechanism of emergency patrols, continuously strengthening actual combat emergency drills, and improving the ability of plant and community explosion-proof emergency response.

In 2019, the company has no major criminal violations, no major fire accidents, no major mass incidents, and no collective petitions by employees and their families to the government, ensuring the safety of the company and the harmony and stability of the society.


Copyright © Yangzhou Jinwei Environmental Protection Technolog All rights reserved Record No: SU ICP No. 2021019778-1 technical support:YichengNetwork
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